True Locals Collection by Dave C Reynolds
Aloha friends! I am stoked to introduce my marine life art collection called "True Locals". I am in the ocean most days either surfing or paddleboarding. The ocean is my refuge, my church, my meeting place and my workout space. I have always told fellow surfers that the marine life we encounter are the "true locals". We humans are guests and should act with respect to our hosts. We all have a responsibility to protect and preserve the oceans, our coastlines and their inhabitants. This special collection features a lot of the California marine life I have encountered since I started surfing in the mid 70's.
I create each detailed sculpture using a metal and resin technique I developed. It looks exactly like a bronze metal casting. The backgrounds are sections of a California Channel Islands nautical map. An area where all these beautiful animals roam. Shows both the common name and the animals scientific name.